Sunday, 5 June 2011

How self direction is important in a changing world?

Without it you are just following the herd, which means you have no real individuality. Only sheep are content to live this way.|||Self direction is important in own decision because self direction makes you rectify your own path when you make mistakes and learn it from your own experiences.|||If you learn to follow your nose,

your feet will go in the same direction,

because your nose %26quot;knows.%26quot; %26lt;}:-})

Sen. Obama supporters, is he really the best and most "world changing" candidate?

Or is he just the lesser of two evils to you?

In other words, is he just the best you have, no really that big of a CHANGE|||Since he has never attempted to %26quot;change%26quot; anything in the senate, and voted %26quot;present%26quot; on more bills than any other dem, I doubt his claim highly. He couldnt even change Chicago...|||best ther democrats have

which unfortunately for them aint good enough|||I think we are in BIG BIG trouble in this country.|||If he gets elected he will disarm us and get us all killed

It will be his supporters that will get fried in the cities and it will serve them right.

his own words鈥?/a>|||Definitely. Obama is going to change 845 billion of our tax dollars from being in our hands over to Africa.|||Obama is a scumbag. The filthy LIAR flubbed it again with that BOGUS story about his uncle who served in WWII and helped to liberate Aushwitz.

WHAT A LOSER!!!|||Obomba couldn%26#039;t change a lightbulb|||He is no change at all! Wake up! Look at %26quot;Old Washington%26#039; that backs him: Kennedy, Kerry, Biden, Durbin, Reid. The only change he wants is to change his Senate Seat for the Oval Office. The change he plans is:

Free College? Raise your taxes!

Prescription Drugs? Raise your taxes!

Health Care for Everyone? Raise your taxes!

Free Abortion? Raise your taxes Big Brother will pay for everything you need!!! Just ask for it and Obama will see that you get it.

..................Out of your billfold.

.........That%26#039;s the new %26#039;hope of change%26#039;!|||Depends on who he picks for his administration. I hope he doesn%26#039;t pick Karl Rove, McCain, Rumsfeld, Cheney. Anybody would be better than these lying, knifing, selfish, unpatriotic aholes. There%26#039;s tons of proof if you have been listening to the news the past 8 years.

However, what people say negative about Obama usually has no proof and is just propaganda.|||He represents everything that we should not vote for. He even puts himself above scrutiny. Is he really better than everyone else or does he just have much more to hide. His changes are not likely to be in the best interest of the United States of America.|||I don%26#039;t think we require him to be %26quot;the best most world changing candidate%26quot;. Wy would we? He%26#039;s simply a very good candidate who is clearly the better choice in this election. That%26#039;s plenty.

Obama 2008|||Hes the poorest candidate for president in the history of the United States. None have every been so Anti American as he is. None have lied so much and got away with it. There is no way he will be president and after this, I doubt if this country will every have a minority president. No black, woman or anyother race. Obama Peleosi and Dean have made a laughing stock of the Democratic Party.|||he, for sure, is not the best...and as for his so called %26#039;changes%26#039;, most of them are Jimmy Carter%26#039;s policies warmed over and presented as new..that only works for those too young to remember his administration and what dark days they were for America. he has taken Carter%26#039;s foreign policies almost verbatim...|||I think He has his quirks like they all do, but at the end of the day I think we need a change, and if he is the one preaching it, then folks are gonna listen... I also think Reps are going to be surprised in November, and this is where the Reps have lost touch... The Economy is going to be the biggest issue... Folks want jobs, and want to be able to put food on the table and gas in the car. The War is big, but it will be overshadowed by the Economy... I will say this, if the Reps want to win in November, they better stop relying on division in the Dem party, folks not wanting to vote for Obama, and better start coming up with a plan for the Economy.... At the end of the day, people don%26#039;t give a sh** about some of that other stuff, we are concerned about our jobs and sustaining ouf lives...|||Obama is sadly...going to win. Check out Bob Barr, voting for him wont do much since we%26#039;re about as democratic as China; but the ideas will make more sense.|||he%26#039;s changing what needs to be changed. out with the white, and in with the black!!|||I live in england, but the way i see it, i think he has made his way to where he is now, however i don%26#039;t think hillary would be, courtesy of mr clinton.

In other words, i think obama is the most authentic.|||just the democratic nominee. not the second coming or any of that nonsense. if hillary somehow manages to come out of this with the nomination i%26#039;ll vote for her. %26quot;change%26quot; is no more offensive than any slogan that politicians have used. and that%26#039;s all it is, a slogan. Y!A is not an accurate reflection of the real world, it%26#039;s mostly the extremes.|||He will be play-doh in the politico machine of Washington.|||No, I believe in him fully. Our country is hurting for a leader that will not only listen to, but will reach out to his advisors, fellow politicians, experts, and most importantly, the American people. Obama%26#039;s movement is not about him. It%26#039;s about a large percentage of Americans who are fed up with Washington%26#039;s current state. Whether he truely represents these sentiments can only be proven with time.

Having children in our changing world, is it a good idea?

Taking the environment into consideration before making the decision to have children....

So many people reproduce without thinking about the impact their child will have on the environment, or what impact the environment will have on the child.

Between pollution, global warming, disappearing natural resources, political strife, and war is it smart, safe or even responsible to have children at this point in time? (or multiple children)

Thoughts, feelings?|||For you.... Not so good.|||I think the amount of children each person can have should be limited. We%26#039;re draining all our natural resources. The least we could do is slow down the process before we destroy the whole thing.|||well having children is okay as long as the parents teach them well about life and all.

well think about it, if everyone thinks the way u do then humanity will disappear and nothing left. is it really as good as u think?|||What children want and need is not an unpolluted environment, but two parents who love them and try to meet their needs.

It sounds like you%26#039;re a caring, thoughtful person. These are exactly the qualities that a child should grow up with. We need children to grow up with the qualities that you have - concern for the environment and for the well-being of children.

Why not work as a family, you and your children, on global problems? Then you will have done something positive and worthwhile.|||First of all the world is a big place, Second global warming is just an natural event not man made. Third natural resources are not running out, the government and companies use this to boots prices and introduce new taxs.

All you have to do is bring up your children with good morals and don%26#039;t let them be brainwashed by media, do research and show them the truth about life, like learning treat others with respect.|||I know what you are saying Frisky. People want to have children ,but its sad to bring a child into todays world .

To MsMinnaMouse...I too believe that people should be limited to how many children they have ,especially those that live on welfare and say that they can have as many children as they want because they aren%26#039;t the ones having to pay for the doctor bill%26#039;s .

I believe before long we will see just that .|||You can believe children will simply grow up to be hedonistic consumers, totally devoid of any sense of community, living basically like yeast, happily turning grape juice into champagne as they die in their own sjit. In which case having children is a bad idea.

Alternatively, you can believe that children are the hope for the future, and that some of them may grow up to be clever enough to develop new technologies to solve the problems we face, or be able to say the words to convince others it is time to change lifestyles to help solve those same problems. In this case having children and raising them to think, to feel, and to be aware is a good thing.

I can go either way on this issue.|||These are some questions we asked ourselves before we had our son. Giving life, when two people want a child seemed more important. When we think about it, we%26#039;re probably having children to help fix what our generations have been doing to the world. Lets hope so.|||It%26#039;s definitely something i would give a lot of thought to. There never was a time in human history where it was perfectly safe to raise a child but on the other hand there has never been a time like we share now in human history. Global warming is real, overpopulation is real and may well be one of the main factors to the downfall of society as we know it. I wish anyone courage to make this decision for there is no greater biological force than procreation and no greater sacrifice than to choose not to.|||You are right, having children is the worst thing you can do to the environment besides causing an oil taker to crash.

I had a vasectomy at age 21, because I felt it was the right thing to do. I am now 41, and damn thankful that I did it.

What's a word I can use to describe our changing world?Children's access to technology, media, advertising etc?

I%26#039;m concluding my school assignment. My last sentence will be %26quot;Our changing and (????) world has it%26#039;s benefits, but it%26#039;s defects are ultimately poisoning our children.%26quot;|||%26quot;social engineering%26quot;

One of the serious problems that changing world populations patterns pose for the future is?

A)how to absorb refugees into other nations.

B)how to take the annual census.

C)the increased role of sexism.

D)how to provide sufficient food.

E)the intermixing of different cultures.|||Take your pick. They are all serious in my view.|||f.) do your own homework.

g.) who cares.|||I actually think you may have just answered your own question. but, i dunno lol

If you had a world-changing truth that would make people overall less happy, would you reveal it?

In the long run, truth and happiness often go hand-in-hand, but for this example lets say you KNOW that in the long run people will be less happy.|||Is there anything that can make you less happy then the reality that the majority of people don%26#039;t care a whit about you?|||Why would it make people less happy? If it was something that I didn%26#039;t have to tell, I don%26#039;t think I would, if it would cause that much upheaval. Maybe, if it was important, like something about how to stop global warming. It also depends on whether or not it was genuinley truthful, not just something I believed.|||No, because the world needs to be a little bit happier.|||If i really do have a world that changing truth, I%26#039;ll never tell to any one rather i will secretly come to your ear and reveal it :D|||not to dodge the question, but a lot of times i think it would be a non-issue because people wouldn%26#039;t believe you if they didn%26#039;t want to. sure, some would. but people are amazing at choosing what they believe in order to make themselves happier.|||What is happiness. This is an eternal question, kind of like why are we here. In our Constitution the words %26quot;pursuit of happiness%26quot; are declared a right by our creator. So in this spirit of happiness and a truth that would make the people overall less happy, the truth would then only effect those that are pursuing happiness in one direction.

Happiness can certainly be adjusted to all conditions of mankind and physics, its a matter of accepting what we understand and know. So if the truth hurts a bit, it will all adjust itself with one generation of man....yes.|||If this world changing truth makes people unhappy, then I doubt it is of a beneficial nature. I mean it doesn%26#039;t cure anything, improve anything, or help anyone. In that case, the less people know the better. Keep it to yourself and save the rest of the world from more unhappiness.|||It would depend on the nature of truth. If it was something that nobody could do something about, then I wouldn%26#039;t say anything. However, if it was something that despite its gravity was temporary, then I would let people know in order to be prepared, adjust their lives to the new reality, try to minimize the consequences of that world-changing truth and work towards a solution.|||Ha... would you open Pandera%26#039;s box?

The question is... would you think that was the consequence? You may very well convince yourself that the world would be a better place, since it%26#039;s a truth.

Now if you became a Cassandra or a Sibyl... you would tell the truth, however, no one would believe you. I believe that this is why many oriental philosophers believe the truth lies inside each individual: if you don%26#039;t want to believe in facts, or in others%26#039; beliefs, you just hold your own truths...

In conclusion, I would say that statement has a lot of assumptions that are worth exploring. Especially in today%26#039;s mediatic world, it%26#039;s hard to know how your truth would be spun... you may just end up in exile. And if you%26#039;re lucky, you%26#039;ll chop an ear off and become a famous painter (post mortem, that is).|||Truth in reality is far better for any human being to experience than happiness in delusion. Think of previous truths revealed-Dawkins realized that humans were not %26#039;created%26#039; especially, but evolved. This depressed some people, and many others denied it, but it has led us to great scientific and ethical advances, from biogenetics to the near-end of religion as the universal excuse.|||If it had the potential to help a lot of people but would help at least one person, then yes. Since you say it%26#039;s world changing, I interpreted that to mean that it would conflict with many peoples%26#039; %26lt;italicize%26gt; Perceptions (end italic) of how the world should be.

It%26#039;s my belief that people are responsible for their own emotions, whether or not they take active responsibility for them. I also believe that most people don%26#039;t take responsibility for their own emotions. So any world changing truth is apt to make a lot of people unhappy. No matter the nature of the %26quot;truth%26quot; presented to them.

(Tough question, so I imagined that I had to tell everyone that the world was ending next Tuesday due to an erratic wobble in the orbit. Thanks for the fun thought exercise.)

Does anyone else feel the need to prepare for our changing world?

There is little doubt that our world is changing. Global warming and climate change, war, and the natural distructive behavior of humans threaten every aspect of the world as we know it. Does anyone else see a change in our very way of life being necessary to survive the coming age?|||I think what many people in my generation fail to realize is that the world is changing, but it%26#039;s nothing new. The world has always changed over the years, it is not something unique to our lifetime. War has always been around since humans have walked the earth. Humans have been destroying natural habitats for generations, again nothing new. Then you come to the big climate change question. I admit it could very well be that humans are directly responsible. BUT what many people fail to realize is that we have only been recording temperatures for about 200 years, a very short time in human history. It is just as possible that climate change is a natural occurrence. Study the earth and you%26#039;ll see that different animal species have migrated to different parts of the globe over the thousands of years because of changing weather. North America and Asia were once joined between Russia and Alaska many years ago. The ice sheets that joined these 2 continents melted over time. Theirs natural climate change for you at a time when humans were not polluting the earth. For every argument for man made climate change there is an argument to disprove it. I simply wish people would swallow their pride and admit that NOBODY KNOWS 100% either way. Another thing to remember is that many of the people supporting climate change stand to make a lot of money with the new carbon trading scheme that the Kyoto Protocol introduced. We should all be more enviromentally responsible, but nobody should believe a theory blindly without looking at all sides of the story which unfortunately most people don%26#039;t do.....Thanks for listening take care.|||yes,i feel like so. But, I wonder is the people changing the world or is the world changing?|||Fa shizzle! We won%26#039;t be able to rely on the weather to consistantly provide us with good farming conditions. We should build giant, indoor farm/labs. GM (genetically modified)vegetables are much more acceptable to the American consumer than GM meats, for obvious reasons. Hydroponics and soil engineering stuff would require some science guys. Heck, these type of farms could even be prototypes for growing food in space colonies on places that don%26#039;t have weather like we know it. Climate%26#039;s changing, we can%26#039;t stop it or reverse it, so lets make sure we can feed everyone and avoid the future mass starvations. Whether or not we are the cause is unimportant now. Adapt or die.

Is the book business: a changing world 7th edition identical to the 6th edition? best answer for most helpful?

Iam a college student and bought the 7th edition for 130 dollars but someones selling a 6th edition for 45 dollars, it would be nice to save a little money. Help me out.|||It will probably be 98% the same. Sometimes I think they come out with new additions to make more money. But it%26#039;s rare things will end up on different pages. It also depends how quickly the subject matter changes. You could ask your professor if it%26#039;s OK to get the 6th edition. In my classes, the professors seemed aware sometimes kids would have a previous edition. One time I recall him telling kids who had an older edition to go to a different page, but usually it doesn%26#039;t matter. Shouldn%26#039;t it say somewhere in the beginning or the back of the book what changes were made?

What impact will Tony blair have on changing world opinion on the environment?

How is he qualified to call for a revolution in attitudes?|||Bugger All !!.... Plastic Bags, he should have one put over

his head to check out environmentally friendliness......?

His mate Gordon Brown, now PM, should be put to the test.

How many litres of bottled water you can drink in an hour,

compared to tap water, %26amp; produce a cost -effective analysis ?|||About as much as I could my friend.|||none|||He%26#039;s very persuasive isn%26#039;t he, the whole world believed him about WMD, didn%26#039;t they? And, his calling for a revolution in Iraq must have saved millions of lives, didn%26#039;t it?

Sorry got carried away then, NO impact whatsoever I%26#039;m afraid.|||He%26#039;ll have about the same impact as he had on brokering peace in the Middle East. How is he going to manage it all I wonder.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - save the planet.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday - sort out Israel, Palestine.

Sunday - Day of rest of course.

Wonder what his carbon footprint%26#039;s like with all these international assignments?|||No impact at all. Where are the people who will listen to the devious B**tard anyway.|||About as much as Al Gore.|||None, but he will make a lot of money out of it,

Look at Al Gore, he%26#039;s made millions.|||None at all. Who is Tony Blair?|||He is qualified because he did what no other politician has done in this country - he was instrumental in bringing peace to Northern Ireland. That was a monumental achievement to solve what was hitherto a problem thought to be insoluble and beyond hope. He did indeed cause a revolution of attitudes on both sides of the divide in Northern Ireland. He can do it in relation to other world problems.

As a citizen of the world would you be willing to join a secret group dedicated to changing the world?

there is a secret group of individuals who are dedicated to changing world government as you know them now. if you joined this group what would suggest we could do to change governments. please be honest and no suggestions of violence|||I would join the group, but it depends on what the values of the group are. I have heard/seen some documentaries talking about the elite and their plans seem to be a little insane, literally.|||I already belong to a group like that, only it%26#039;s not secret.

What's your point of view in the Pew Global Attitude Projected in changing world and the overall pitfalls?

Its seems quite a few years ago, China earned more popularity than many nations, including US and few well-known developed countries. However, China image has declined rapidly recently because exported toys and foods were not meet the safety standards. Some countries worry about China%26#039;s rapid millitary and economic growth. What is view points in globaliztion of getting improving modernized daily life.

What should and your expected China%26#039;s attitude toward the other nations in this world?|||When Pew stops calling illegal aliens the term %26quot;unauthorized migrants%26quot; I might think more of their %26quot;opinion%26quot;. There is a large difference between facts and opinion.

Right now, their opinion is highly skewed.

However, they do provide some good facts when they are not playing games with statistics just to side with their point of view. A person that knows statistics sees right through statistical games.

Is the world changing for better or worse?

I think the world is going to make a big change. We are all spoiled kids that don%26#039;t want to give up anything!!!!

We are focused only towards a material world where looks, money and prestige is important. Unfortunately, it is sad to see how nature is giving up and how people are just ignoring the signals.

I still wonder when I see good weather how can this still be????

I am not a fanatic of %26quot;Lets Save the World%26quot; but I do think that we have gone to an extreme that will take all of us to a different dimension.

There has been warning throughout the past century, that mother nature was slowly but surely going to make us pay for it.

There is an high increase of cancer patients ever year. I have lost friends that were young with this sickness.

Young people are suffering from depression when I didn%26#039;t even know the existence of it. You always hear of new diseases that touchs very often the young ones.

Animals that go crazy because we want to feed them our way

( la mucca pazza) Floods, tornados etc... you name it !

Experiments that are so dangerous for our health and we only get 20% of the story. You see mothers that take their children for a walk. They are so small and are just the right height for breathing all the gas exhaustion from the cars passing by.

There is so much to write and to say that Answers cannot fullfill this argument. However, I don%26#039;t think that we will (meaning people that live on earth) will attempt to clean up this big mess, but I am expecting something or someone that is on higher level than us to gives us a hand. Call it UFO, call it God or whaterever but it will not be us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||It varies from moment to moment. Lately, I%26#039;d have to say for the worse, but I%26#039;m hopeful about feeling a pendulum swing next Tuesday.|||In 400 B.C. Socrates observed: %26quot;Young people nowadays love luxury; they have bad manners and contempt for authority. They show disrespect for old people and love silly talk in place of exercise. They no longer stand up when older people enter the room; they contradict their parents, talk constantly in front of company, gobble their food and tyrannize their teachers.%26quot;

So what is really new?|||It has always been worse. Better than worse is still worse. The world will always suck and it needs to be destroyed. I hope for a global nuclear war to wipe the slate clean. A new attempt at building a true civilized world. We are barbarians of the worse sort. What evil we impose on each other will always be as long as there are people.|||That depends on your point of view. If you like the cycle of war and hatred, then yes, the world is changing for the better. However, if you%26#039;re like the rest of us, then no, the world is going down the crapper. By now, there has been just too much damage done; too many hatreds born of the arrogance of U.S. Imperial policies for the world to do anything but get much, much worse before it gets any better. But I%26#039;m sure that it will be better eventually.|||The tools of destruction are much more lethal and the powerful just as ruthless, but ordinary people are more tolerant and less cruel and less indifferent to the suffering of others. Now, if we could just get rid of the first two and more of the last, we%26#039;d make some progress.|||ultimately for the worse theres too many gays demanding marriage i mean we might as well let people marry animals like cows and horses.......too many school shootings especially from white people who are too emotional, child molesters running loose and when they get caught they are required to register and are let loose again, bush still being president, politicians always lying, americans worried about too many w e t b a c k s when they still havent handled the terrorist threat and al qaeda i mean what if they blow something up again and u already kicked out all the wet-backs whos gonna clean it up and build it back up too many problems in this world and especially in this country|||The world is , certainly, a better place to live now. There are pockets of trouble, in the middleeast, in Africa, in Asia. But such problems have been there earlier also.

People are not dying of hunger. There is general awareness increase.

If only countries co operate more closely the world will be even better.

One example . The 1.5 billion China and the 1.0 billion India are , both , progressing fast in the last 10 years . Every thing is in plenty .If these behemoths can come out and shine why not the other countries/ That is IF the people of that countries want to.|||with liberals like nancy pelosi and hillary afoot you have to ask...get rid of this vermin and political correctness and we wouldnt he having this discussion|||Duality we are still in duality here man!

In a duality-ruled world, there will be always better and worse, a struggle for expansion like two horses pulling in opposite directions, anyway ... to answer your question I would say worse since basically nothing has changed from an absolute point of view ... I would say better since the consciousness has raised.|||Under the present regimes in all countries, I would say the world is getting worse. Those in power only want one thing, to stay in power or to accumulate as much wealth as possible no matter who they screw up. Including this country. America. Since George Washington there has never been a President that didn%26#039;t have his own agenda for how the country should be run, not a consensus of opinion, just his opinion. And while he is supposedly running the country, who cares if he bilks millions of people out of there savings and destroys their puny lives, Georgie doesn%26#039;t. And neither do the factionary peoples of the world. They don%26#039;t care if the world goes down the tubes, as long as they get theirs. Usually in the form of money and power.|||Worse and it is because we are at war but not with humans but a spirit being that does not want us alive at all. He is evil and he is against God. The time of the Anti Christ is near. Keep your eyes on Europe.

Jesus%26#039; rapture of the church is very close and when the number of the Beast 666 disguised as something else is placed on you hand or forehead the end is but 3.5 years away for the Return of the King and his name is Yeshua (Jesus). For if he did not come back there will be no flesh left on the planet. And for those whom accept such a sign are truly lost and condemned. For there will be a judgment of the nations that fall in Leigh with the anti messiah and there will be a great Judgment after Jesus%26#039; 1000 year rein of the Kingdom of God on this earth.

This is truth and it is to come. Take it or leave it but, it is truth.|||Both better and worse, and even. Depending on the individualistic views or the majorities? People with money will say yes, people without will say no. Both sides will tell you about their complaints, neither is happy. Personally I think the pendulum swings both ways, and where it has been worse for a while it will change for the better, and where it has been better it will change for the worse. For in every life a little rain must fall. When the people who have it worse that had it better at one time will be telling you how bad it is but still will be complaining as they were when they had it good. And the people that have it great will be happy until they are bored and they will complain as well. Better or worse we have to live through it thick or thin. But it would be better if we are all just happy to be alive and without pain.|||It%26#039;s changing for the better in a bad way.|||In a long term approach or evaluation it is changing for better.

In a short term it varies.|||It is neither.

It is both.

This is not supposed to be heaven-like. It is a place of testing and learning.

If you study history, and prehistory, you can see that all times were good and bad. Like all things, and all times, life will find a balance in it.|||Its kind of going both ways.One one hand Science is improving our lives and on the other science is destroying our lives by war and other dangerous inventions like nukes.|||TECHNOLOGY IS THE ONLY THING THATS BETTER IN THIS WORLD, EVERYTHING ELSE IS GOING DONE A TOILET THATS GOT A HUGE TERD STUCK IN IT AND REAL SOON ITS GOING TO BE RUNNING OVER THE RIM!!!!

What are the most important, world-changing facts about James Monroe?

He authored the Monroe Doctrine. Telling Europe to keep the hell out of the western hemisphere. Too bad we don%26#039;t enforce it any more.

Okay i have a project due for history and i need some topics. i have to write about 5 world changing events?

i need some good examples because i can%26#039;t think of any right now and if you can help me i%26#039;d be very happy.|||The World Trade Center.

Global Warming.

AIDS in Africa.

War in Iraq.

Equal Rights (women %26amp; ethnic group) allowed to vote

world war 2

Invention of the Telephone

Invention of the Light Bulb

Invention of the IPOD (sad but true)

Diseases that wiped out the Incans

Fall of Rome

Rise and Fall of Hitler

Human Slavery

Abraham Lincoln

Theres a few...hope it helps!|||The Holocaust

The Tsuanami

September 11th

The Fall of The Berlin Wall

Princess Diana being killed in a car crash

Hope this helps :)|||1. Colapse of communism

2. End of Cold war

3. Hiroshima/Nagasaki

4. World war II genocide

5. September 11th|||industrial revolution

world war 1

world war 2


cant think of a fifth one|||The birth of Jesus Christ

Signing of the Magna Carta

The French Revolution

The Assassination of Duke Ferdinand of Prussia

The Attack on Pearl Harbor

The Panama Canal

The Black Plague of the Middle Ages

The discovery of Penicillin

The development of the Internet

The development of refrigeration

The development of canned foods.

Were the troops grateful for their opportunity to watch the world-changing Paris Hilton interview?

Or did they maybe think the media should cover something important?|||Actually, if they watched it I believe that some may have enjoyed a comic break from the war.|||now that Paris is a Bible-thumper...she is going to be

the target of religious bigotry?..

Peter Pan syndrome..

I think just as many teenagers will be downloading her

Everything in the world today is changing fast. How can we achieve stability in such a changing world?

am looking for answers that relate to a fast changing business and/or political environments.|||

check for that

i hope it will be beneficial for you

keep using|||yoga

In what ways has Obama already created epic world changing monumental change liberals were yeaning for?

He has announced the closing of Gitmo, has signed the first federal law for equal pay for women, he has reversed the freeze on federal funding of stem cell research and he has restored funding to thousands of rural health clinics in poor parts of the world. Not a bad week.|||A republican is no longer the president.|||Change? Haha! That%26#039;s funny|||He%26#039;s off to a great start.

鈥?Won approval of the second $350 billion *before* taking office.

鈥?VP Biden already made his first foreign trip *before* taking office.

鈥?Ordered the closing of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, with 16 retired generals and admirals standing behind him in support.

鈥?Ordered a pay freeze of his top staff.

鈥?Ordered stricter controls on lobbyists in government.

鈥?Ordered compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.

鈥?Confined interrogation techniques to those in the Army Field Manual

鈥?Ordered a review of auto emissions standards.

鈥?Met with GOP leaders of both Houses of Congress to improve the stimulus package.

鈥?Did an interview with Al Arabiya TV, improving our reputation in the Arab/Muslim world.

鈥?Talked to every leader in the Middle East.

鈥?Named George Mitchell special envoy to the Middle East. Mitchell is already on the scene.

鈥?Got most of his cabinet confirmed.

鈥?Made family planning advice more available to women in Africa.

鈥?Met with top business leaders, who endorsed his stimulus plan.

鈥?Geithner put limits on lobbying from bank who receive TARP money (something Paulson could have easily done.)

鈥?Signed equal pay legislation

鈥?Condemned Wall Street bonuses

鈥?Ordered federal contractors to offer jobs to current workers when contracts change, and made it more difficult for federal contractors to discourage union activities.

鈥?Released federal aid to fix power outages.

鈥?Provided healthcare to 4 million poor children.

鈥?Created a Middle Class Task Force, led by Joe Biden (|||Sorry, he is only one man, not the messiah|||The War on Terror is now officially the Struggle Against Terror....can%26#039;t wait for the final version.|||For sure, BO has already caused change. Of course this pertains to how quickly he has inflated the national tax burden. It took previous presidents much longer to bring us all to our knees financially.

Is the world changing for the better or worst?

Do you think our society is changing for better or worst? Taking in consideration everything from the wars, politics, technology, education, morals, the media, etc etc...

What do you think are the main issues for why or why not?|||The world is getting worst and worst each and everyday. Too much crime and war and the media is not helping. Dont even get me started on the education system.|||The world is changing for the better in regards to technology. But, when you really look at it, we aren%26#039;t too different from our predecessors. I think mankind has had the same fundamental issues in every generation.|||Worst...Global warming, technology has both good and bads involved, manners in little kids seem to have gone out the window for the most part due to the fact the parents are too busy to teach them right. And you can start talking about all the sickos and psychos in the world, but they%26#039;ve always been there just not so advertised, because the media is involved in everything these days and lets not get into the publicity they get just from all the people posting stuff on youtube.|||Of course it%26#039;s getting worse. The bible says in the end times, because inequity abounds, the love of many will grow cold. Why is this such a mystery? It%26#039;s been written down for thousands of years, and now we are seeing it fulfilled.|||Considering my children abrupt change of attitudes outside the family there is really a great change|||the world remains the same have you read the bible about this, what will it be like in the times of the end, the world willl not change, society and societies will not change, there will be achievements, but everything will stay the same, love and hate. marrying and giving in marriage, wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes in diverse places, really sounds pretty good, not too much to keep up with, all rather simple really and we have been doing a good job so far|||We are living in a hypocrit world. The society is never changing but we assume that it is changing.|||It really depends on what you mean by better or worse. Honestly, those are rather vague descriptions, as one man might think something is better while another may think its worse.

But here is my 2 cents:

Education: In the sense that our youth are being %26quot;taught%26quot; more, you could say that our society, or the world, is getting better. However, at least here in the US, there is more emphasis put on quantity instead of quality. This type of education, simply stuffing facts down young people%26#039;s throats, is not the kind of education that will prepare anyone for the real world and real world issues. Here in the US, the youth are sheilded from the harsh realities in our world. Most people think that they have it bad because (please dont chew me out for this, but im speaking from the experience of my area) they had a fight with their parents, they didnt get their favorite food, or their Burburry purse, but most of these youth have never been in real poverty, and never seen the rough side of life. Therefore, its quantity over quality, whereas it should be the other way around.

Education: worse

Wars, Morals, Politics, the Media, all meshed into one: Once again, I am speaking from my US perspective. The US president gets quite greedy, such as Iraq (oil) and Afghansitan (which, incidentally, has not officially ended yet...not that it officially started), and puts human life in the way of danger for personal gain. The media spins it so that we think he is doing a great service to our country. Morals are fading, sins and everything are going down, etc.

So for all of the above: worse

Technology: better, way better. but when will it stop?

controversy over moral issues like abortion and cloning make technology seem like a bad thing, but is it?

I think not.

Thats about my 2 cents, any questions you know where to find me.

P.S. Sorry about the skimply answers for some of the subjects. This was quite a controversial question based more upon individual definitions of good/bad so i didnt want to elaborate more. But i think that the world can turn its direction, if people would get rid of their vices. The Qu%26#039;ran, Bible, and other holy books say that the world will end in chaos and disaster. Look around. There already is the chaos, and with issues like global warming, excess CO2, etc, the disaster seems to be coming.

What are some world changing events that happened in Australia?

Probably the development of the first process to effectively extract Penicillin by Howard Florey (a shared credit). This is not the sort of event one might really notice, but has more bearing for the average person than anything done militarily, politically or economically.

Other than this here have really been none, if you want to be serious about it.

%26quot;World changing%26quot; is a big claim, and nothing solely emanating from here has really affected the world as such.

1. Why was the Agricultural Revolution such a world changing event? How did it change how people lived and le?

Why was the Agricultural Revolution such a world changing event? How did it change how people lived and lead to civilization?

my finals are coming up and i need and answer|||the simple answer is the rise of cities|||Well part of it is the obvious, more food could be harvested in larger amounts with a faster time from start to finish because of new more efficient technology. This spike in the amount of food produced created a larger population because more people could be fed, there fore there was more labor to be used during the Industrial Revolution. It also created more cash crop and food materials for colonies and cash crop nations (like the United States at the time with cotton) to either be exploited even further (the colonies) or to gain enough capital in their own economies so that they eventually became industrialized (the nations). The more efficient tools also caused a decrease in the need of manual labor, meaning that less people had to work to get just as much food, causing the number of people in cities to spike and in tern fueling the mass amounts of cheap labor needed for the industrial Revolution.

Edit: Which one do you mean? The Agricultural Revolution in the Neolithic era or the Agricultural Revolution of the 1800%26#039;s?|||Let me draw an analogy with the development of textile technology.

If technology reduces a pair of pants from 10 percent of your annual income to one percent of your annual income, you now have 9 percent of your income to spend on other things.

What would you say are the top 5 world changing events in the past 15 years?

9/11, obviously

obama elected

the home pc/internet explosion

the downfall of al qaeda

meth in every city in the country|||9/11 - Which really started this whole war in the States and the UK

The assassination of Saddam Hussein - Same reason as above

The recession

Can%26#039;t think of 2 more sorry

In an ever changing world, is the world in essence constant?

There is a negative to every positive and a postive to every negative i.e. nothing is a 100%, in an ever changing world that is essentially constant.|||Yes. There is a saying that goes %26quot;The only constant is change%26quot;.

There is also such a thing as ordered chaos. Anyone who really studies Chaos Theory realizes this.

In your opinion what is the biggest world changing invention and why?

ever? or recently?

Ever would be electricity

Recent would be personal computers or cell phones....

What needs 2 happen in America to prepare the workforce for the changing world, so that we do not fall behind?

The American workforce is facing a changing world. American jobs are being outsourced to other countries and jobs are being lost in America.

September 2007, the U.S. Department of Labor reported that the unemployment rate was 4.6 and -4000 was added.

I beleive many Americans want American jobs to stay in America, and make jobs availiable to Americans citizens.

Globalization is great. Today, we now live in a borderless business environment, but if companies are sending jobs to other countries and the American general workforce will not benefit from this business model, who wins? Certainly not American workers, because we can not get a good paying job.

Again, what do we need to do as a country, to better prepare American workers, so we do not fall behind other countries with regard to jobs and a quality workforce?|||In the last 25 years,our manufacturing base has been cut in half.Too late to cry about it now.Best course for the young and talented is to acquire skills that have a global marketability.Rest of America will need to learn how to get by with less while buying foreign made junk at Wally World.|||Question comes too late.|||On the low end spectrum, if America wants to compete with foreign cheap labor, they%26#039;re going to have to work for low wages and for fewer benefits. Their is no way around this; you have to compete with what%26#039;s available and the most desperate people will work for whatever they can. Even on the high end field this is true. I%26#039;m a computer programmer, my field used to enjoy incredibly lucrative salaries. Not so much anymore, Indian programmers will do the same quality of work for about $10-$20 / hour. Gone are the days when a programmer could easily be making 6 figures several years out of college.

One way America could increase its manufacturing economy is by signing off on some type of amnesty or guest worker program. This would increase company%26#039;s incentives to operate within America (and pay taxes to our government).

Would you prepare yourself for world changing events or live your last years with all those that may perish?

If history repeats it self and this planet shift is going to happen with the arrival of Planet X? Would you spend your remaining years preparing yourself to survive, mentally physically, possibly isolated from society and all you know. Would you try to spread the word since Mega Media would rather not promote a state of fear by educating the major populous.

If there is a chance.....%26quot;Chance favors the prepared mind.%26quot;|||Planet X isn%26#039;t going to have any influence on earth...I promise. But if it were I would probably face the reality that we are doomed and spend the rest of my life without fear or regret. I would do all those things I always wanted to do without fear of consequence.|||im still debating on making babies all over the world to spread my seed. or to not have babies till after 2012 and see if i make it then spread it with the surviving superior women. survival of the fittest. man i would love to be banging only fit women. that would be nice.

how much do you think it would cost to rent a submarine for a year? i wonder if i have good credit enough to finance one on a low interest rate.|||I would just spend the time with my friends and family... I wouldn%26#039;t wanna survive without them.|||If I knew we were doomed...I%26#039;d live my social life to the max - and no I dont only mean sex and getting drunk. I would do those whenever the oppurtunity came obviously, but seriously, I would live every day like it was my last. With those I love (girlfriends, maybe family)

Repeated dreams about this world changing?

okay, so for the past month i%26#039;ve been having repeated dreams about tidal waves, and the world coming to an end, which is unusual because I%26#039;ve known about 2012 since last year and haven%26#039;t really paid much attention to it, and never really dreamed anything about it, but it seems lately that%26#039;s all that is coming to me, as if these visions keep getting stronger and stronger. I had another dream last night, except it was a pandemic, and everyone was zombies, except for I. Has anyone else been having weird dreams like this lately?|||the world is gonna end but not in 2012 becuz NO ONE knows when the world is gonna end but god|||have you been worried that one of your friends or family members is going to pass away anytime soon? or a pet? something you might loose? someone might be moving away?|||Very rarely are dreams simply about what they depict. Odds are, your subconscious is trying to tell you that you are not as prepared for something as you should be. That might be college, a job, parenthood or something as meaningless as a football tryout. I don%26#039;t know that part, but I guarantee you are not seeing the future of the world, just the future of your own emotions if you don%26#039;t heed their warnings.

If some major world changing event occurred, would religious people all over the world freak out?

Would they become irrational and all start claiming that the event signifies something to do with their religion and insist that everyone listen to them and ignore the scientists who are trying to inform people of the situation rationally?|||They would probably come to Y!A and point out exactly where it%26#039;s been %26quot;prophecized%26quot; in their scripture.

Long time no see Desiree.|||Yes, very likely.|||Everyone would probably freak out a bit.

But, yeah, religion is quick to monopolize on misfortune.|||Depends on the world-changing event, I wager.|||We are not the ones who have fear of these things coming to pass so why would we freak out?|||That, my dear, already happens on a daily basis. Even as we speak somewhere someone is praising a god, praying to one, or fearing the wrath on another. Far too many people on this planet are willing to do the whole %26quot;Onward Christian Soldiers%26quot; thing and %26quot;Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition%26quot; at the drop of a hat.

The basic tenet of all religions is that the thinking has already been done for you, now all you have to do is to believe what you are told, and do whatever is required of you by the leaders of your religion.|||Of course.|||godidit

How is the world changing for the better?

i need to write an essay on how the world is changing for the better. please help me out and give me some topics i could write about.|||Global warming awareness is a good subject to right about - especially with the almost every big company getting on board and everyone recently having an opinion on it. Should be loads of material floating about to work with.

Though I think the correct term for global warming these days is %26quot;climate change%26quot;.|||like no more slavery

new things are being invented

What world-changing events occurred in Berlin in the autumn of 1989?

A. The Berlin Wall was opened.

B. Willy Brandt was elected mayor.

C. The war crimes trial of Adolf Eichmann began.

D. The first Olympic Games to be held there since 1936.|||A and B there were not any games in 1989 and the trial of Eichman was 1961|||i think the answer is A|||A....The Berlin Wall was finally pulled down,

Are the upcoming environmental cabinet posts the most important and world changing Presidential cabinet posts?

I am talking about the Secretary of the Interior, which handles us public land and mineral deposits, Secretary of Energy, Environment Protection Agency Administrator, and Climate Change Czar.

|||yes. Right now the world is focused on the economy, and that is hella important. However, no matter what happens, the economy will fix itself. The right policies will determine how quickly it fixes itself, but it will get better. The environment will not. The right environmental policy will make the climate right for us. The wrong policy will make the climate right for other species. Getting the US climate policies on track could help lead the world in the right direction. With responsible investments we can fund and lead the way into technological improvements to make green energy the most affordable energy, and thus the most popular.|||Sorry, you%26#039;re just not that important.

The planet has been taking care of itself for a very long time. It doesn%26#039;t need our help as badly as that.

(At 59%, you probably vote best answer for yourself, don%26#039;t you?)|||There is a very real chance if Obama is elected that the ideas coming from these picks will set the stage for great positive change. I hope for Obama to have the chance to be as successful at this choice as he was in his campaign.

What is the most powerful world-changing power in the universe?

Its for a book, im not crazy xP|||Gravity, by far, because it is cumulative and infinite in reach.|||nuclear power|||Black holes or super novas that create black holes.|||Patience.|||They%26#039;re here! They%26#039;re here! They%26#039;ve landed! Over on the mall! They%26#039;ve landed!

We have come to visit you in peace and with goodwill.

I%26#039;m worried about Gort. I%26#039;m afraid of what he might do if anything should happen to me.

Gort? But he%26#039;s a robot. Without you, what could he do?

There%26#039;s no limit to what he could do. He could destroy the Earth.

I came here to give you these facts. It is no concern of ours how you run your own planet. But if you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder.

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!|||knowledge is the most powerful power|||hydrogen. ITS IN EVERYTHING

What is the greatest world changing invention?

I think the printing press had the most influence of any invention. It allowed the dissemination of information, but also printed books are more accurate from one generation to the next.

But the personal computer could prove to be an even bigger influence on our lives. It%26#039;s too soon to tell.|||I would say electricity think what life would be like without it.|||Automobiles, home computers, antibiotics, just pick one.|||the wheel|||light bulb|||Microchip (Technology)|||I would say the Internet, cars, printing machines are the most important. Think what it would be like without the Internet! We couldn%26#039;t get any info quickly....we wouldn%26#039;t be able to play online games, and a lot of different things..including NO E-mail.

Cars are also important as they make life faster, easier, and convenient. And printing machines are also important as without them, there wouldn%26#039;t have been books, newspapers....And without them, there would be no exchange of news from one generation to another.

I heard that this December world changing 21st 2012 date is allegedly for 2007, is this true?

What evidence supports it? Of course there are the naysayers about this whole issue, but you can never say for sure. All I know is I won%26#039;t be getting any sleep the day before. What is your take?|||*becomes dizzy*

I never knew that the mayan calendar can be THIS influential as to provoke an assumption this way....

so what if their calendar ends on that year? obviously, nobody%26#039;s around to update it anymore. O_o|||where did you hear that?? it was bad enough thinking about 2012. im going to be DRUNK haha|||We just have to wait and see. Personally, I don%26#039;t think anything is going to happen in 2007. Maybe in 2012 but not 2007.|||The Dec 21st 2012 date gets it%26#039;s significance from the fact that it is the date when the ancient Mayan calender ends. I%26#039;ve never heard of anything linking it to 2007. I believe it will wind up being another Y2K type situation. Some people will drive themselves into frenzies with worry over something that will wind up being a non-problem.|||Perhaps the Mayans are extinct for a reason. They didn%26#039;t make it to 2007, much less 2012.

And just maybe, the world will end when God says it%26#039;s time.

What are some world changing gifts I can give to my friend?

Me and my friend are REALLY into helping save the world. Over summer, were going to Mexico to build houses and schools. Were so into doing our part, even our msn names help donate to charity. With Christmas coming up, I really want to give her something that will help make a difference. Any Ideas?

xx-Zoie.|||Give the money that you would have spent on a gift to a charity in her honor.

What will the next world changing thing be for the next generation?

For this generation, computers and related technology ,for the last, transportation. Before that Industry and mechanics. So for the next what will change the world and improve by leaps and bounds probably beyond our imaginations?|||discovering you have to work and that computers

don%26#039;t work if you can%26#039;t pay your electric bill|||Next Generation: Hydrogen Power, Solar Power, Environmental collapse prevention, super efficient ocean water desalination technology.|||medical/bioengineering technology

maybe a blood substitute, so blood donor shortages are not such a crisis

replacement organs being engineered/cultured rather than transplanted

eliminating cancer, rabies, tuberculosis, HIV, influenza etc.|||climate change will be an important part of our lives.|||The next generation and the generation after that are going to have to spend all available resources paying for George Bush%26#039;s little war.

Repaying this debt is going to take so much of our money that research and development will have to take a back seat.

We are on the way to becoming a second-rate country who cannot support itself.

We can all thank Bush and his corrupt bunch of political cronies for that.

Whatever happened to Muslims around the world changing the way they feel about America because we elected a?

black Muslim to office? Seems Al Qaida may dislike Obama more than they did Bush.

***Go ahead and say Obama is not a Muslim but believe me when I tell you the rest of the world understands that if a man%26#039;s father and entire family are Muslims, he is one as well.***|||Here here!! Agreed!|||Why are the Muslims ignoring his bowing and a**-kissing? O-bow-ma told us that the world would love us now that we elected an anti-American, Muslim-sympathizing, gutless pacifist. The libs told us the same thing.

And look!! Only THREE terrorist attacks in three months. Are we all impressed with His Royal Blackness, the Messiah?|||Europe is the biggest threat:鈥?/a>|||(Thundering Applause) Now that was slick.|||Dedicated enemies are not going to like you whatever you do. Most extremists even dislike each other. But most people don%26#039;t have rigid inflexible opinions. There is no question that foreigners like Obama better than Bush. Mostly because of what he says and not because of his race or ethnicity. You get more applause by saying that you care about others opinions than by just dismissing them.|||It is the epitome of ignorance to describe an entire group by the actions of one of its members.|||He%26#039;s still in Iraq and Afghanistan beating up on his brothers of the faith.|||That%26#039;s why the 12/25 bomb was made to be a dud.

NOT blowing up a jetliner was their way of saying %26quot;Merry Christmas.%26quot;

You just don%26#039;t understand their language.

You need to go back to Muslim sensitivity training.|||The Muslim extremists and jihadists hate Obama because they consider him an %26quot;apostate%26quot;.

An apostate is someone who renounced their muslim faith. For political expediency Obama converted to Christianity, when he became a professional politician.

The Muslim extremists now consider Obama to be a traitor to the faith.

Remember the Muslim extremists have vowed to destroy the entire western world because they consider all people who do not embrace the jihad to be infidels.

To the jihadists, Obama is an infidel.|||Oh Bull.............|||My father and everyone is a Christian.. but I%26#039;m not.


What is the world's greatest world changing invention so far?

I have to survey a hundred people for school, and i don%26#039;t want go ask that many people. So any answer that is appropriate for school will work dude.|||automobile

mark k|||The wheel|||th wheel most definetly

I have a potentially world-changing idea. How do I take that to say Apple or the UN?

I actually have two very big ideas that could very potentially change the way we communicate for the better, independently of each other that is. I would like to try to work with Apple on one of them, but it%26#039;s a completely different way to do computers and not something that I can just send to their support team as a suggestion. I would actually like to be somewhat in charge of the project if they would want to hire me. The same goes for the UN.|||I very much doubt you have anything of interest, however, on the small chance you do. Don%26#039;t go to Apple or another large computer corp you will be raped by them and your idea with not be your own anymore. Try and read a little about Apple%26#039;s working principles before you go all fanboy about them. They are as bad as Microsoft. Create your own company and get investors from the high tech sector to support you, paradoxically in a recession you may find it easier, there are fewer startups appearing on the market so you are more likely to catch an investor%26#039;s eye.

UN? Seriously, the UN is the most ineffective organization the world has ever created. it serves no function other than to bully small countries into submission. The UN is a leftover from the Second World War that needs to be overhauled. Start an NGO any idiot can do it.|||You cant just go into a multinational corp. a be manager there!! You%26#039;ve got to work your way up, for example study IT and get a job in apple, gain some relations with the heads and employees... then try to implement your ideas.

You may have great ideas, but ultimately everybody have %26quot;ideas%26quot; for what he thinks is improvement for the world, but only who is smart enough to gain power get a chance to implement them.|||I had a similar problem, I was attempting to break into the consulting field (you are basically asking how to become a consultant on these projects). I asked a friend of mine, who was a successful consultant. His advice was as follows:

1) Become stupendously successful in your chosen field.

2) Become independently wealthy so people will take your opinion seriously

3) (optional) Buy an island and stock it with wolves and half-monkey, half-pony monsters

4) Get your meeting with Steve Jobs/Kofi Annan|||You%26#039;ve got an idea, go for it! what is your idea? I would like to tell you more about what you can do. Email me at First you need to contact the chairmen of apple inc, and arrange an appointment to see you. If they can%26#039;t see you, you need to try the un.

this will sound craxy but it may actually be easier to discuss something with them thatn with apple.

Is the scene of the world changing?

listen to the media and all you hear is war, famine, immorality, crime, tsunami, drug, child trafficking etc etc.

infact the scene of the world is really changing madly. HOW do we interprete these? should we turn to the Bible or stick to the Philosophies of men that are ever misleading?|||Yeah, we cannot do anything how we wish we can stop that happened but indeed the world is changing from bad to worse, nothing stays the same|||All these things you have mentioned have happened years and years ago but because of the media coverage that we have now we hear a lot more about these kinds of things.|||change is inevitable

Is the world getting worse and worse or is my perception of the world changing as I get older?

Sometimes I have such anxiety like I don%26#039;t even want to bring kids into the world because of all the hurt, hatred and disease there is. People drive like animals and there is no common courtsey in public places anymore. Am I just seeing the world differently, or has it really changed?|||Maybe this will help:

%26quot; People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you%26#039;ve got anyway You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway %26quot;.

--Mother Teresa|||World is getting worse.

The Bible states near the times of the end of this system of things.

From 2 Timothy Chapter 3 from verses 1 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.

2聽For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal,

3聽having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4聽betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God,

5聽having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.

6聽For from these arise those men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires,

7聽always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.|||in the bible in Matthew in the 24 chapter, Jesus is talking to the apostles and Jesus is telling the things that will happen in the world. Jesus says these horrible things will take place and then the end will come. It%26#039;s gonna get worse before it gets better.|||World hasn%26#039;t changed much. It%26#039;s partly your perception (it changes as you get older) and partly the expanded role of media. Media now has so much competition that shock value sells copy. Boys pets puppy may sound nice but boy decapitates dog and rapes corpse sells. The former happens far more than the latter but the latter has the shock that draws people to read further. And having seen it in print, we are led to believe that it is more common place than it really is.|||Without reading the text of your Q, and with no offense,,, ONE %26quot;Worse%26quot; would have been enough.

With regard to Perception... IT is EVERYTHING, and very narrowly, personally, individually defined.

Now on a more serious note. YES WE are in deep doo, but we do it to ourselves.

My best advise, and I do try to follow it; is be selfish about YOU, in what you can make of your OWN smallish kinda world, and as Aldara has reminded me the Universe will take care of the details.

Many evolutionary processes are less than pleasant, but most of the negatives are cyclical, and become extinct, although,,, as a Chryssalis, can evolve again.

Steven Wolf

(The Rev.)|||I agree with you. But I also think that the media has play a big part on our lives, all they show is the horrible things that happened in the world. 50 years ago they wouldn%26#039;t show have of the things they do now, and I think that is what have changed us. The world has always been in wars and horrible things happened all the time since the beginning of times. But still humanity survives and moves on to generation after generations. I sometimes think, %26quot;why would be the point of bringing a child into this cruel and horrible place?%26quot;, but I really don%26#039;t want to die not knowing what motherhood is and all the wonders, hope a purity that a child brings into the world. If we all give up now and stop having kids then who will keep searching for world peace. I know is along shot and I%26#039;m sure that in my lifetime it wont happen, but I can%26#039;t help to wish that one of my generations will. And with that I say to you, don%26#039;t give up an life, We are worth fighting for.|||People getting mature and wiser as they grow old and also in some cases grow meaner..... anyhow the world IS changing! Either its getting better with its technologies or with its morality you decide. Its not just the way you look at the world, everything change. Just hold on with the thruth you;ll be okay.

Terrible things %26#039;might%26#039; happen in your way, but trust me, there%26#039;s always someone there to help you out.|||I don%26quot;t think the world has gotten any worse. I believe that it is only perception and how the media influences this perception. We improve in some areas and decline in others. As the races of the world move and mingle we become more tolerant to other ideas and races.

Is the world worse now than in the past? Perhaps the people who lived under Genghis Khan could answer that.|||Neither. That adjudicative element in your soul increases in sophistication just as the experiences subject to it accumulate. At a certain point you will hopefully realize that %26quot;the world%26quot; is a vague conception, not a perception. World history is misleading because we are aware of, but no longer familiar with, a pre-history. With our individual lives, the same: an increase in the ability to analyse accompanied by forgetfulness of our former innocence. And then the peripeteia may very well occur through parental awareness of the child%26#039;s innocence. An exhaustive cyclic pattern, in mind, soul, and body.|||The world is not getting %26quot;better%26quot; -- we have never lived in a world approaching 7 billion population.. with a nutcase like Bush in control of the most power ever accorded one person.. And yes.. crime %26amp; ignorance are spreading here in America.. so it is wise to keep on your toes.. And.. to highlight the danger:

On January 12, 2007, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in a press release noted that the Doomsday clock was to be moved forward to highlight the %26quot;Most Perilous Period Since Hiroshima and Nagasaki.%26quot;

The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists (BAS) will move the minute hand of the %26quot;Doomsday Clock%26quot; on January 17, 2007, the first such change to the Clock since February 2002. The major new step reflects growing concerns about a %26quot;Second Nuclear Age%26quot; marked by grave threats, including: nuclear ambitions in Iran and North Korea, unsecured nuclear materials in Russia and elsewhere, the continuing %26quot;launch-ready%26quot; status of 2,000 of the 25,000 nuclear weapons held by the U.S. and Russia, escalating terrorism, and new pressure from climate change for expanded civilian nuclear power that could increase proliferation risks. [2]

The official announcement will take place on January 17th, 2007 at 14:30 hours GMT.[3]|||You%26#039;re seeing it differently. I%26#039;ve been through it too. If you%26#039;re really concerned about the whole world take a trip out to a country town. Every time I do I am amazed at how slow paced and set back life is there. It%26#039;s like a breath of fresh air. (from the Twin Cities)|||The world is fantastic, it is just your perception. The world has always had issues, this is nothing new.|||According to the geniuses behind the doomsday clock, it is apparently getting worse.... but I believe that it is merely perceptual. We have always had people killing one another. If you look at Cain and Able... what a story so long ago. Sex with your brother%26#039;s wife... and then murder.... But now, media plays the role of educating us as to how bad the world truly is... but we can be betrayed by our own family quite easily when money and sex are involved. We see this often today. Money, power, sex. I believe the world is no different today than it was thousands of years ago. There are more people, and the news travels faster, but it is all the same...|||I think most of the people living in the usa are living in a false sense of what really exists imo. The average person is totaly blind to all the bad things going on in this world and how they have a direct effect on how things happen. The belief that you dont have any effect on your own future is one of the most dangerous beliefs a person can have. It doesnt change the fact that you still have effect on your world but it does effect the way you view it and yourself. I think the perception of the world becoming worsee and worse is just a sign that you are starting to care more and more about all the bad that happens in the world. Just try not to get lost in your care for the world and people around you. If you lose control of self in the world you become a drownding man whos violently struggling that takes anyone who trys to save them with them...|||Oh, please do not be discouraged.

Neither the world is getting worse, nor your perception is %26#039;changed%26#039;.

It is just that your perception has deepened well, to be able to become more responsible and to consider before just begetting children like all animals do and even most people do !

Only a person who has this enhanced level of perception can do something with involvement and meaningfully about it.

And more importantly, such parents would be the best possible parents, and their children would become more capable with such caring guidance about doing something to better the situation.

In eastern philosophy, lotus is chosen as a symbol of a religion (rather a way of life, now more popular as a %26#039;religion) ! More the slush, better the lotus ! So, a lotus like flower can bloom with such caring parents, even with slush all around.

The question is indeed very pertinent, and thoughtful.|||Not getting worse, just more of us so it APPEARS worse.|||Yes 3D reality/delusion is configured to go from bad to worst then onward to good, better, best!

Life is but a %26#039;circle%26#039; until your %26#039;consciousness%26#039; raises then life becomes a spiral ever moving onward and upward to %26quot;Source%26quot; which is the Alpha and Omega!|||It is the result of your weak perceptions of the world. You need to know true version of this world. Filth is a compulsory part of this world. Filthy people will always be a big question mark for you. So, learn how to keep away from Filth. Your tummy carries at least two kg. filth inside your body, which you are always finding to get rid off.

Learn the way of good, how to be good and how to avoid/reject the bad. That%26#039;s the thumb rule, you have to follow for your survival.

Remember the jungle rule Survival of the Fittest also apply to our society.|||I don鈥檛 think the world is getting worse.

Imagine how our parents and grandparents must have felt as the air sirens warned of bomb threats and they dashed us into bomb shelters, or rationing out a meager wage to feed 5 children and sleeping in a single roomed home?

I think the way in which you view the world is an outward expression of how you see yourself. The good news being that the good times like the bad all come to an end and therein lies the balance we all seek.|||Its really changing.

I agree with you 100%.

So many who don%26#039;t take responsibility for there own actions

I have seen many changes, more bad than good.

Your OK.

Comes with age.|||I have read your words in many ancient writings.

They are born of a process of mental evolution, and nothing is complete until the end.

Thought is ever changing.

The world remains constant.

You are right and yet incomplete in the true wholeness of thought.

If we look in dark places we will surely find dark creatures.

What is the greatest world-changing invention?

I%26#039;m doing a poll for a history class on what people think the most world-changing invention is. It could be the computer, internet, telephone, anything.|||good question....ill go with flying (planes/helicopters etc..). Hundreds of years ago the thought that humans could fly would prob have been unimaginable, and now you can be on the other side of the world in a matter of hours. Its helped make the world a smaller place. Its also beautiful seeing the world from a plane.|||Definitely the internet.|||Guttenberg. The printing press, revolutionized the world and civilization as we know it today.|||The internet, the world are now growing exponentially, thanks to the internet.|||I would say it is the car. Reason: it not only paved the way for roads, bridges, and many other things. It is also the reason for the ozone layer, pollution, gas wars, and nitrogen fuel cells. Plus, much more. So it plays in good and bad.|||I vote for the steam engine. It really allowed industrial processes to be automated in the industrial revolution, clothes to be manufactured etc. Then everyone moved from the country to form massive cities and work in factories. Definetly the steam engine.

What is the biggest world-changing invention?

If you had to choose any invention from any period in history, which do you think changed the world the most?|||The printing press.

Before the press, transfer of information was slow, imperfect, and costly. There was no reliable mechanism to diffuse information or save it for posterity. That meant that people had to continually solve the same fundamental problems, over %26amp; over. After the press, the world of information became available to ordinary folk.

Invention of the press was the critical first technological step leading to the world as we know it.|||The computer/Internet

The airplane|||Easy: Nuclear Weapons.

Why, because Nuclear weapons are not only the %26quot;biggest world-changing invention,%26quot; they are the most dangerous world changing invention to date.

If you asked most important to and productive for mankind, then I%26#039;d go with the printing press.

Most important for %26quot;Modern world%26quot; electricity and all the enslavement it brings with it.|||For the length of time in use and advances brought I would vote for the wheel.|||electricity|||electricity bcuz without it u couldnt have most of the other inventions|||hmm, this ones hard.



nuclear weapons


cars/vehicles|||The wheel of course. But next to it I%26#039;d say the washing machine. It freed women to look for more than house work. Until then they spent up to three hours a day washing by hand their family clothes, the baby%26#039;s nappies etc.|||Some people say air conditioning.

But even more important than that was window screens. Before screens came along.... birds bugs mice and all kinds of things could just walk or fly into your house... can you imagine!!!|||The mechanical clock. Look it up if you think I%26#039;m joking. It was the first time someone had created a machine that worked successfully and did something worthwhile. It actually was the springboard for the entire Industrial Revolution. Without that Revolution, we would not be using computers right now. We would not be in space. etc.|||The printing press in Europe. It ws practical (unlike Chinese ones), and led to the greatest dissemination of language and learning that built up our civilisation today.

Oh, and beer!|||The printing press - allowed for the quick transfer of information over long distances.

The railroad - allowed for the quick transfer of goods over long distances.

And yes, beer (and bread). A foundation of civilization is the ability to change raw grain into storable and more edible food sources.

What is the biggest world changing invention?

If you could choose any invention throughout history that had the greatest impact on the world what would you choose?|||The printing press or the telephone, or my fav the internet.|||Ignore all answers:

The only possible answer is agriculture.|||Ugh, me know how make fire. Food cook, taste good. Live good, live warm. me like fire.|||computer by far.|||Either the printing press or the transistor .

:0)|||It has got to be electricity, or the light bulb suggestion as my father can remember as a young child his family getting their first light bulb! Could you imagine?|||i would say the light bulb|||IMO, the greatest invention (some would rather use the word %26quot;development%26quot; as it is not the invention of an object as such) is that of agriculture (farms). It allowed humans to advance from scattered tribes of hunter gathers to be able to have jobs other than food gathering, live in central towns or cities and form a %26quot;civilization.%26quot;|||inventions having to do with hygiene. i always think about that, imagine how nasty people smelled back in ancient times? like morning breath or like before toilet paper? sick.|||Language|||i personally like the was ONE of the first ways to make communication better and faster ! And w/o it we today wouldn%26#039;t have cell phones or texting !

What is the biggest world changing event?

World changing events and big world changing events.|||Event- moonwalk, invention- i would have to say phone, then microwave.|||Olympics

War|||War.|||A meteor struck the earth and wiped out most of the life on it.|||my birth|||Weather changes, along with the occasional meteor. Both tend to wipe out lots of life, and help some other forms to flourish. But the term, %26quot;event%26quot; when applied to the world could mean things that occur over a rather long period of time rather than a short one such as a couple of hours when applied to humans.|||The invention of the printing press. Until then everything was word of mouth, with limited communication. The printing press was able to disseminate information, ideas, and all events on a mass level. It elevated mankind%26#039;s knowledge, and produced change by informing the populace of news. Large numbers of sheets of paper were able reach more people faster. It helped bring the world closer and where would we be today, if it hadn%26#039;t spread ideas and information about technology, science and medicine. Personally, I couldn%26#039;t live without my issues of Popular Mechanics. :)

What is the gretest world changing invention?

What is the greatest world changing invention? It could be the Automobile, Printing Press, Light bulb, Electricity, the Wheel, Computers, Telephone, the internet, or even something else|||I would have to go with the lever! Sure the board, or whatever is used as the arm, and the stone, or whatever is used as the fulcrum, were discovered and not invented. But using them as a tool was an invention.

Yay for lever!

Or perhaps the inclined plane... Hmm...|||wheel|||Electricity!|||Soap|||Without question, it%26#039;s electricity. Without electricity there would be no auto, no computer, no internet, no telephone.|||i would not classify the wheel and electricity as inventions but discoveries more akin to fire. Knowing this I would have to say writing/reading is the greatest invention, being able to record our knowledge and information for future generations. and writing would include drawings and pictures, reading is just the interpretation of writing|||There have been many great, world-changing inventions and discoveries throughout human history. These are some:

o making fire o computers

o horticulture o powered flight

o agriculture o assembly line

o bronze o automobile

o writing o gunpowder

o steam engine o moveable type

Some actually kicked off revolutions that completely changed how we live (such as the Industrial Revolution) or became the main definition for an entire age of human culture (such as the bronze age and the space age.)

Some were ideas or belief systems (which are harder to trace to a specific point, but seemed to have caught on over relatively short periods), such as Christianity and democracy.

I would be hard pressed to pick just one.|||I think electricity for the same reasons already stated Great question!|||The Wheel, according to %26#039;Shirley Valentine%26#039; - it was the wheel, miss.|||cell phone


all media converged !!!



simple to use...

the list goes on ...and u can come up with soooo many advantages...|||The shopping trolley we drag on wheels i used to hate pulling my heavy shopping home and pushing a pram on wheels has well has trying to keep a toddler safe has well. so i do say the wheel.|||The telephone.

It lets people communicate.

everything id easier

people are less distanced|||the computer, without it you would not be answering this question|||All inventions change the world for the better , except for some like the AK-47 !

To say that any one invention is the greatest invention , is like saying Newton was the greatest scientist ; probably he was , but only till Einstein came along !

A lot of inventions have built on other inventions ; in fact the greatest world changing invention may be Man%26#039;s decision to pursue the scientific path ; but for that we would still be little more than animals !|||The Cotton Gin- which helped to herald in the coming of the Industrial Age, allowing more cotton to be grown cheaper, thereby increasing the need to better and faster spinning wheels and looms....|||To the extent that inventions tend to stand on the shoulders of earlier inventions (and may therefor be innovations), I agree with Milton. The invention of language and writing led to the dissemination of knowledge without which other inventions are unlikely to have occurred.|||All of them are equally important, but I would have to say the printing press. It enabled people to spread their ideas over far distances, allowing people to hear about new inventions and discoveries.

P.S. Electricity wasn%26#039;t %26quot;invented%26quot;, but discovered. Humans just learned how to manipulate and control it after we discovered it%26#039;s existence|||The wheel, sponge toffee and the Internet for sure, in my lifetime. This is the greatest communication tool ever.|||MONEY!!!!! A standardized medium of exchange that is a good store of value and has a wide acceptability for any transactions is the greatest invention. Imagine living in a world where the only way to obtain the goods that we want is through barter. Money as well as other modern methods of payment (ie. credit cards) simplify a lot of things in our daily lives (provided that we are not too greedy ourselves). Our modern society would cease functioning without such an instrument of currency to facilitate running it.|||sliced bread because everyone says Its the greatest thing since sliced bread|||The printing press and the discovery of chocolate|||the harnessing of fire